Roku Fitness Channels

Roku fitness channels provide workout videos for any level of fitness, and offer instruction in yoga, weight training, pilates, and many other techniques for both the mind and body.

Intense workout videos
Transform your yoga practice and life; watch your movement practice evolve through consistently smarter and safer movement patterns ($)
Safe and efficient fitness solutions for all levels with a growing library of English and German workout videos. ($)
Educational videos of relaxing massage therapy
Bellydance tutorials demonstrating several popular moves
A Fitness and Healthy living YouTube channel.
Over 1,150+ fun, exciting, and effective workouts ($)
Yoga and fitness instructional videos
Cooking, fitness, and entertainment videos (Chinese)
Random 30-second videos harvested from YouTube
Nutrition and exercise ideas to equip you to make good choices that will lead to a healthier, happier you
Health and fitness videos from a YouTube channel
Time-efficient workouts that will help you lose fat, build muscle, increase strength and develop functional fitness ($)
Random yoga and yoga related video from YouTube
Live and on-demand workouts ($)
Customized workout plans and trainer support fir weight loss, muscle tone and better health
Health and Fitness videos
Integrated fitness, nutrition, and wellness solutions ($)
Workouts and fitness instruction for women over 50 ($)
Body conditioning routines to help you build mental awareness, flexibility, muscle strength, and endurance
