An assortment of Bellydance videos |
Extreme fitness street workouts and calisthenics |
Free Yoga instructional videos |
Reiki healing, energy medicine, and Jungian psychology |
Learn how to lose weight in personally most suitable way |
Martial arts training videos straight from China |
Fitness videos for all levels, from a variety of certified trainers |
Almost 5 and 1/2 hours of step-by-step Yang style Tai Chi video instruction ($) |
Yoga and meditation instruction |
Learn Yoga from experienced teachers |
Yoga videos for all levels of experience |
Comprehensive and customizable yoga instruction |
On-demand videos providing yoga instruction |
Easy to follow yoga classes for beginners to experts |
Yoga classes, challenges, and courses ($) |
Instructional yoga videos |
Yoga warm-up and standing poses |
Demonstrations and explanations of how to perform 16 yoga poses |
Yoga poses and stretching exercises |
Yoga that is accessible to everybody and every BODY |