Roku Movies & TV Channels

Movies and TV shows in every genre await you, from silent films to current blockbusters and today's hottest series, with these Roku channels.

Thousands of Spanish-language movies, novelas and TV series
A free, ad-supported Spanish-language streaming video service from Univision with your favorite novelas, comedies, TV series and Hollywood movies
Classic public domain films
Movies, music and your favorite creations
Pay per view movie collection from media distributor Hannover House
Music videos and promo videos from Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao, and the Caribbean
Video for fans of anime, animation, gaming, comedy, sci-fi, fantasy, horror, and tech
Independent and foreign from around the world
Vietnamese television programming
All the latest movies and TV shows, including thousands of free movies, or rent and buy new releases and your favorites in up to 4K UHD
Movies from the 1950s through current-era, along with outdated celebrity news
Purchase your tickets and watch live performances from the Wall Street Theater in Norwalk, CT
Original, exclusive, and award-winning hit drama series from around the world ($)
Government PSAs and propaganda films
Training, combat, recruiting and documentary films from several wars ($)
Vintage War movies from the 30's, 40's and 50's
Hundreds of war movies and documentaries
Firearms and tactics training ($)
A collection of past and recent Conspiracy Theories
Straight-to-video titles from every genre
