Roku Movies & TV Channels

Movies and TV shows in every genre await you, from silent films to current blockbusters and today's hottest series, with these Roku channels.

Vintage public domain documentaries and cartoons
Watch thousands of documentaries on a variety of subjects
Non-fictional films and docudramas about real life personalities and events
Documentary films from the 1970s, 80s and 90s ($)
Documentary films on a variety of topics
Documentary films
Hundreds of award-winning, full-length documentary films and series
Popular Japanese TV series and movies with English subtitles ($)
Trailers, clips and demos that show the imaging of Dolby Vision on the TCL Roku TV (available only on TCL Roku TV models with Dolby Vision)
Live-streaming Dominican television networks and radio stations
A 1942 movie serial in which Winslow investigates a ring of saboteurs and enemy agents trying to sabotage the war effort
70 documentary films covering current musical artists, other celebrities, and sports
Cult movies, specializing in spaghetti western, euro-crime, euro-spy, and exploitation films
Attleboro, Massachusetts, community station
Wholesome faith-based and family friendly movie and television programming the entire family can watch
Videos featuring American Sign Language with captions and audio
All of the best, most shocking, and satisfying pops ($)
Episodes of the vintage TV police drama
Classic movies that focus on imperiled characters dealing with realistic emotional struggles
Public domain and vintage movies
