Juntines Planes

Quick Look: Juntines Planes is a Spanish language Arts & Crafts channel featuring videos about working with Paper, Play-doh, Beads, Greeting Cards, Origami for all ages and levels of experience. Here are just a few of the many video categories available on this channel:

  • Play Dough Crafts
  • Beads Craft
  • Card Making
  • Kids Origami
  • Girls Crafts
  • Budget Crafts
  • Boys Crafts
  • Cooking Tips
  • Learn Musical Instruments - Xylophone
  • Pipe Cleaner Craft

An example of the available videos can be viewed below.

-- Information is current as of October 18, 2017

Developer's Channel Description: En el canal de Juntines.com podrás ver la mejor selección de vídeos para niños con los que disfrutar en familia. Aprenderéis un montón de cosas nuevas con nuestros vídeos: manualidades, origami, recetas, canciones o vídeos educativos. Un plan genial para disfrutar de una tarde aprendiendo y creando todos juntos, de manera segura y con el mejor contenido infantil. ¡Dadle al play! (In the channel of Juntines.com you will see the best selection of videos for children to enjoy with family. You will learn a lot of new things with our videos: crafts, origami, recipes, songs or educational videos. A great plan to enjoy an afternoon learning and creating all together, safely and with the best children's content. Give it to the play!)

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DEVELOPER: Future Today Inc

FEES: None

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