Cleo and Cuquin Baby Songs and Episodes

Cleo and Cuquin Baby Songs and Episodes provides younger children with animated videos of classic kids songs like Itsy Bitsy Spider, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and The Wheels on the Bus, along with others like The Shapes Song and Halloween Song. There are other entertaining videos as well, featuring "six playful, curious and imagination fueled siblings that love having fun and learning new things every day, along with their furry friends Tomato and Ghost." The videos are designed to teach good habits, emotions, words, numbers, notes, and colors.

One of the videos available on this channel is shown below.

-- Information is current as of March 2, 2023

CHANNEL STORE DESCRIPTION: Cleo and Cuquin Baby Songs and Episodes is the excellent opportunity to introduce preschoolers and kindergartners to the beautiful musical adventure. Cleo, Cuquin, Maripi, Tete, Colitas and Pelusin are the Telerin Family. They are six playful, curious and imagination fueled siblings that love having fun and learning new things every day, along with their furry friends Tomato and Ghost.

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FEES: None