UCTV - UC Television

Quick Look: UCTV offers a wealth of useful information in the form of lectures, inteviews, and other videos. Topics covered are Arts and Music, Astronomy, Business, Health and Medicine, Humanities, Middle East, Nutrition and Diet, Public Affairs, Science, and Women's Health. Some of the videos are straight lectures recorded with a camcorder on a tripod in the middle aisle, while others are professionally-produced studio recordings. Whatever the format, if you want to be educated, it looks like you can find something here worth your time.

There are a lot of topics and videos to browse through. If you don't know where to start, go to Special Series, Featured This Month, or Most Popular top-level categories. You can also jump right into the Live Stream and go with whatever is being offered. If you want to know what's offered, you can find the UCTV schedule here.

Video quality was variable, as was the streaming quality. Some videos loaded quickly and and had no buffering issues, while other took a long time to load, paused mid-video to rebuffer, or stalled completely while loading. There are a lot of variables at play when it comes to streaming, though, so your experience may vary. Don't let a few slowdowns in the stream stop you from taking advantage of the wealth of experts sharing their knowledge on this channel. And it's all free!

Developer's Channel Description: UCTV explores a broad range of subjects including science, health, public affairs, humanities, and arts and music. Programs range from documentaries, faculty lectures, cutting-edge research symposiums, artistic performances and more.

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