
Quick Look: TopTech is full of product recommendations for products ranging from gardening innovations and travel gadgets to video doorbells and pocket knives. The content is sourced from two YouTube channels, Undecided with Matt Ferrell and Top 10 Zone.

The videos featuring Matt Ferrell focus more on sustainable and smart technologies that are found in new vehicles, solar applications and anything related to the Tesla automobile, while Top 10 Zone focuses on product ranking based on the criteria of "Reviews from the real user, Quality, Personal Experience, Availability, Acceptability and Popularity."

The channel is nearly identical to Smart Tech, which is predominately an extensive collection of Top 10 Zone videos and a collection of 20+ coding videos from Stefan Mischook.

Below is one of the videos available on this channel.

-- Information is current as of May 9, 2019

Roku Channel Store Description: Top Tech provides you with updates on everything in the technology universe. We cover the latest in gadgets and devices as well as getting you up to speed with the latest in coding and programming.

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DEVELOPER: Real News Press

FEES: None