Rock Steady

Quick Look: Rock Steady is a regularly-updated channel providing news and information pertaining to the music industry. You can choose between Rock & Roll and Pop & Punk, the former having the majority of the content. Here you will find band and artist updates, concert and awards information and a nostalgic look back at several rock legends. Current video titles include "Rock God Dave Grohl Chugs Beer and Falls off Stage," "Remembering David Bowie," and "The Hip Hop Nutcracker Adds a New Twist."

Below is one of the videos currently available on this channel.

-- Information is current as of March 8, 2019

Roku Channel Store Description: Rock Steady is your source for new rock music today. From live performances, to artist spotlights, interviews and more! Check back daily to discover new music to enjoy!

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DEVELOPER: CG Publishing

FEES: None