Ministerios Bethania CT

Quick Look: Ministerios Bethania CT in Stamford, Connecticut, streams live services on this Roku channel. For additional information about the church please visit their website, a link is provided below. Services are broadcast in Spanish.

-- Information is current as of November 9, 2017

Developer's Channel Description: Ministerios Bethania CT lo saluda, y le agradecemos de todo corazón por la persona que nos honró al ver esto en este día. Te invitamos a ver transmisiones en vivo de nuestro servicio de adoración y mensajes archivados. Estamos comprometidos con Dios para formar familias exitosas en Cristo Jesús, por lo tanto, recibamos hoy lo que Dios siempre ha deseado para su vida; y esto es: Alegría, Paz, Amor y salvación del Alma. (English translation - Ministerios Bethania CT greets you, and we thank you with all our heart for the one who honored us with viewing this on this day. We invite you to watch live broadcasts of our worship service and archived messages. We are committed to God to form successful families in Christ Jesus, therefore, we receive today what God has always desired for his life; and this is: Joy, Peace, Love and salvation of the Soul.)

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DEVELOPER: Sunday Streams LLC

FEES: None

Ministerios Bethania CT Website