Quick Look: Lowe Home Tutorials is a knock-off of the official Lowe's TV, which provides homeowners with a large collection of helpful DIY tutorials, tips and informative videos. While the official channel from Lowe's Home Improvement provides videos in logical categories, Lowe Home Tutorials dumps everything together in a single row of videos.
Many of the projects featured can be done by the average homeowner possessing little or no construction experience. The videos walk you through the procedure providing tips and a list of materials you will need to complete the project. Most projects featured can be completed in a weekend or two depending on the scale of the project. Videos include Vinyl Floor installation, Painting numerous surfaces, preparation and product recommendations, Installing a Deck, Paver Patios and Installing a Bath Fan.
In addition the "How To" videos there are "Buying Guide" videos helping you to decide on which appliance or product best suits your needs. There are also videos from the "Upskill Project Video Series," "The Weekender," and "Our little Warehome," all Lowe's original handyman series.
Keep in mind some of these projects require building permits and in some instances a licensed contractor (Electrician, Plumber, HVAC ect...). Always consult with an expert before you undertake a large project and call 811 before you dig. Happy Renovating
Below is one of the videos currently available on this channel.
-- Information is current as of March 14, 2019
Roku Channel Store Description: Lowe Home Tutorials is the regular video digest of the most updated ideas and improvement options for people who love crafting something at home. In case you are re-doing your apartment or house, you’ll need some aid and handy hacks. This can help you cut down extra costs and save a lot of time. Release yourself from hours-long wandering around the hardware stores. From this moment you will have an exact plan, list of necessary supplies and equipment for running your building works.
DEVELOPER: Pharoscode
FEES: None