Latin Foodie

Quick Look: Latin Foodie is a collection of videos featuring Latin food and drink. The videos come from the YouTube channel Cocina Plus and for the most part are very short, providing little more than a quick time-lapse demonstration that includes a measured list of ingredients and cooking instructions.

Dishes and drinks include Braised Pork Shoulder Tacos, Big Eye Tuna Tostada, Crepes Maria, Choripan, and Coconut Water Michelada. Below is one of the videos currently available on this channel.

-- Information is current as of September 25, 2020

Developer's Channel Description: Latin cuisine is genuine art. There is a whole century-long culture inside of each dish. Isn’t that amazing to be able to travel and discover yet unknown lands through the gastronomic delight? The cookbook would the roadmap which can take you to the cozy authentic towns or the freedom-loving regions where the chief will give a lot of tips.

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DEVELOPER: Advertery

FEES: None