Quick Look: KSUN TV City of Sun Prairie WI on Roku features a live feed from the Sun Prairie, Wisconsin, public access channel KSUN. The Roku channel also includes the KIDS-4 feed, but it was not working nearly two weeks after the Roku channel launched.
The KSUN TV Roku channel also includes 50 recent videos and several dozen playlists that include City Meetings, Badger Book Training Videos, SPHS Cardinal Football, Municipal Court, and Inside Your City.
-- Information is current as of October 23, 2018
Roku Channel Store Description: KSUN TV is at the heart of one of the most robust community media centers in Wisconsin. Includes original programming "Reel Reviews," "Inside Your City," & "Talk of the Town," plus gov't & school board meetings, Cardinal sports, & much more.
DEVELOPER: TelVue Corporation
FEES: None
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