Junior G-Men Episodes

Quick Look: Junior G-Men Episodes providers Roku viewers with "Junior G-Men," a 12-chapter movie serial from 1940 in which saboteurs called the 'Order of the Flaming Torch,' who are trying to undermine the social order of the United States, kidnap several prominent scientists, including the father of a local street gang member. The street gang teams up with the FBI and the "Junior G-Men" in order to stop the saboteurs [1]." This serial is one of three starring "The Dead End Kids and Little Tough Guys."

-- Information is current as of December 27, 2018

Roku Channel Store Description: Want some more juvenile adventure stories? We are ready to bring them in! Get your fill of Junior G-Men, a 12-chapter serial combining action, adventure, and crime. The cast is brilliant, starring the gifted young actors of the time – Billy Halop, Huntz Hall, Bernard Punsly, and Gabriel Dell. Their acting adds up to the serial’s effervescence and youthful bliss.

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