The Josh Bernstein Show

Quick Look: The Josh Bernstein Show on Roku features episodes of the weekly talk show of the same name hosted by Josh Bernstein, a conservative commentator and political analyst who has contributed to Breitbart News,, and The Daily Wire [1]. According to the show's YouTube channel, Bernstein "has appeared on well over 2,000 radio programs and at least 50 TV shows as an expert commentator. He has been called a 'political savant' by many of his industry peers because of his often encyclopedic breakdown on many of the issues we face."

A recent episode of The Josh Bernstein Show, which is available on this Roku channel, can be viewed below.

-- Information is current as of December 20, 2019

Developer's Channel Description: Josh Bernstein is an American conservative talk show host, news anchor, media personality, Nation Spokesman, Professional Speaker, commentator, and a Master of Ceremonies for political activities. He is best known for hosting The Josh Bernstein Show a television news show featured Amazon, Youtube, and Roku.

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DEVELOPER: The Josh Bernstein Show

FEES: None