HolyWalkers Haunted America

Quick Look: HolyWalkers Haunted America carries a season of a show based on the HOLYWALKER' S YouTube channel, which features Todd Walker and his sons visiting many different haunted buildings around the country (locations are not disclosed), recording their findings. There are three investigations available with each video providing a brief synopsis. Although only one season is available on the Roku channel, much more content available on their YouTube channel.

The channel is free but ad-sponsored; you can eliminate the commercials for $0.99/episode or all of season one for $7.99.

Below is one of the videos found on their YouTube channel.

-- Information is current as of April 1, 2019

Roku Channel Store Description: Join the Walker family as they venture into the unknown to make contact with the dead! Watch Season 1 completely FREE today.

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DEVELOPER: Stream Go Media, LLC

FEES: None