Headlines with a Voice

Quick Look: Headlines with a Voice, from the YouTube channel of the same name, provides regularly-updated news stories that are narrated by the channel host/founder Nancy Morgan Hart. The primary focus of the channel centers around the never-ending saga of Washington D.C. politics.

The videos are organized according to the month in they were originally reported, with the library currently containing news stories from February, March and April. New content is added on a daily basis. Current video titles include "The tables are Turning in Russia Investigation," "The Silencing of Jeanine Pirro," and "Border Deal: Only $1.37 Billion for Wall." Below is one of the stories currently available on this channel.

-- Information is current as of April 9, 2019

Roku Channel Store Description: Narrated daily news, with a focus on D.C. politics. With over 18 million views on her YouTube channel, Nancy Morgan Hart's fresh perspective is now available on Roku.

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DEVELOPER: Lightcast.com

FEES: None