Quick Look: Elite Shopping TV provides a live stream and VOD from Live Art TV, an Internet-only shopping channel. Live Art TV is similar to QVC, HSN, and other cable shopping channels, but is available only on Roku, Amazon Fire TV, and other streaming media players, as well as the Live Art TV website. As indicated by the name, the channel sells artwork, including painting, mixed media, photography, lithographs, and etchings. Although you cannot make purchases through the Roku channel, you can order through the website or a toll-free number - just like the old-school cable shopping channels.
-- Information is current as of November 3, 2017
Developer's Channel Description: Elite Shopping TV/Live Art TV’s mission and passion (the kind that keeps us awake into the wee hours of the morning), is discovering the hidden gems of the art world and bringing them to light to share with our fellow art admirers and patrons anywhere in the world. The other art companies will always have their Andy Warhols, Jackson Pollocks, Keith Herrings, and other world-renowned masters respectively, but we at Live Art TV walk a different path. We nurture new and exciting artists and help them grow. But only you, our devoted admirers of art, can help us transform these unsung talents from unknown into a whole new generation of masters. Our tireless search for new talent is ongoing, but our burning love for art keeps us on track to ushering them through our stage. As our business continues to expand so will our commodities. In addition to artwork, priceless antiques, high-end jewelry, and brand watches will also become part of our family.
DEVELOPER: Lightcast.com
FEES: None
Live Art TV Website
Elite Shopping TV on Facebook