The Education Channel

Quick Look: The Education Channel provides videos of classroom lectures from several Harvard and Yale college classes along with a number of other educational video series. Following is just some of the content available on this channel:

  • Yale College Courses: Economics - 10 lectures covering Risk and Financial Crises, Efficient Markets, Corporate Stocks, and related topics.
  • Yale College Courses: Music - 20 lectures on Mozart and His Operas, Sonato-Allegro and Theme and Variations, and similar subjects.
  • Harvard College Courses: Photography - 11 lectures covering topics such as Color and Artifacts, Digital Cameras, and Software Tools.
  • Achievement TV - Videos from Academy of Achievement featuring interviews with successful and well-known personalities such as James Earl Jones, Vince Gill, Bill Gates, Johnny Cash, and many other.
  • DaVinci Learning - Children's learning videos from Da Vinci Kids and other YouTube creators, with titles that include "How to Make Cheese", "Why Does Junk Food Taste so Good" and "Tesla's Arc & Light Company."

Unfortunately, the channel interface is poorly designed, showing only partial video titles and nothing else about the content or source of each video.

-- Information is current as of December 6, 2019

Roku Channel Store Description: The Education Channel is your virtual classroom regardless of where you live, your age or ability to afford higher education. Take advantage of distance learning offered by Ivy league and other universities, explore science, history and more in a commercial free learning space in your living room.

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