Quick Look: Bill Bailey, Ph.D. (and also ND, MA, MH, BFA, BA, CTN, CNHP, CCA, VCP, ESCA, and ICE) calls on his technological experience (his resume shows him to be a server engineer), his spiritual leanings (he has a Ph.D. in theology), and his education (a doctorate in naturopathy) to produce three tech podcasts, one religious podcast, and a health podcast. All five podcasts are available on Dr. Bailey's Roku channel:
- Dr. Bill.TV - "Join Dr. Bill as he examines the wild and wacky world of the web, computers, and all things geeky... Hot tech tips, tech news, Geek Software of the Week, and Geek Culture are examined... with plenty of good humor as well."
- Hand Held Hack - "A Blog, and Netcast, on Hacking Your Favorite Hand Held Devices."
- VirtZine - "The online magazine of virtualization and cloud computing."
- Word of Faith Ministries - "The non-profit Christian Ministry of Dr. Bill Bailey, a Bible Teacher that Proclaims the Word of Faith! Join Dr. Bill as he proclaims the Word of Faith, showcases ministries, and trains people to fulfill the Word of God."
- Traditional Naturopath - "Dr. Bill Bailey, Ph.D., ND, MH, CNHP, CTN discusses issues in the Natural Health field and how to protect your personal health freedoms. Natural Health news and views." (Audio only)
-- Information is current as of January 4, 2013
Developer's Channel Description: Dr. Bill Bailey.NET offers video and audio netcasts spiced with humor on technology issues: ranging from personal computer news, hand held devices, cloud computing and virtualization, as well as Natural Health, and even spiritual matters! Check our website: www.DrBillBailey.NET for more information!
DEVELOPER: Dr. Bill Bailey.NET
FEES: None
Dr. Bill Bailey's NETwork of NETcasts Website
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