Daily Tech News Show

Quick Look: Daily Tech News Show is a podcast hosted by Tom Merritt and Sarah Lane, who discuss and analyze the ever-changing world of technology in a fashion that most everyone can understand. Each episode is approximately 30 minutes long with past episode titles that include "Gaming the Pandemic," "Best Ways to Escape Reality," "This is Your Brain on Text," and "Which Laptop Should I Buy?" The Roku channel only maintains a library of their 5 most-recent shows, but a more extensive collection of content can be found on the Daily Tech News Show YouTube channel, including the video shown below.

-- Information is current as of May 14, 2020

Roku Channel Store Description: Daily Tech News Show is hosted by Tom Merritt and Sarah Lane and does what it says in the name. Each show delivers the top stories in tech combined with analysis from regular contributors and guest perspectives from the top names in technology. Or as listener Alan Char says it, “discussion and analysis of tech news in an entertaining and balanced way that is easy to understand.” Find out what other folks say about DTNS.

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DEVELOPER: Well Oiled Apps

FEES: None