
Cinemance contains a small collection of indie, made-for-TV, and straight-to-video movies. There are 29 titles in the action, drama, and horror genres listed under the "Volume 1" category\, while Volume 2 contains a dozen science-fiction films. Many of the films are sourced from the YouTube channels V Movies, New Sci-Fi Movies, and others.

Titles include The Wrong House (also released as House Hunting), 2012 psychological horror-thriller about two house-hunting families who go to an open house, where they encounter a girl with no tongue and find they are unable to leave the house; and Narx, an urban drama based on a true story in which an undercover cop puts his life on the line to fight corruption in his department, while trying to take down the biggest Drug Kingpin of New York City.

-- Information is current as of April 28, 2022

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