Quick Look: The Casa do Líder Roku channel features video from the second season of Portuguese reality show "Casa do Líder." The show features 12 competitors who are confined inside a house for ten weeks, with no outside contact.
-- Information is current as of June 30, 2017
Developer's Channel Description: concebido nos propósitos de um reality show, cujas imagens serão em tempo real e transmitidas 24 horas por dia num canal exclusivo dentro do aplicativo MyUnitel, na ROKU, na Web e em programas. (Designed for the purposes of a reality show, whose images will be in real time and transmitted 24 hours a day on an exclusive channel within the MyUnitel application, ROKU, the Web and programs)
DEVELOPER: GreenStudio.
FEES: $19.99/month subscription through the Roku Channel Store.
Casa do Líder Website
Casa do Líder on Facebook