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CHANNEL STATUS 12/25/2015: Veetlebox posted the following on their Facebook page:
This morning our server was taken offline due to matters beyond our control. Unfortunately veetlebox suffered a total loss of all user accounts and paired Roku devices.
This means veetlebox will be offline for the foreseeable future until things can be repaired.
Channel Description: Veetlebox offers several dozen live streams of random movies, videos, television shows and just about anything else you can think of. The channel is very similar to the now-defunct Justin TV (RIP), but with less content. For those not familiar with this type of channel, users upload live broadcasts that are then streamed to viewers on connected devices. In this case, the live streams come to Roku via the Veetle live video service, although the veetlebox website carries a disclaimer that "veetlebox is in NO WAY affiliated with Veetle Inc. and makes use of already public channel listings to link users to content."
The content varies from day to day but there are a few dedicated streams that can be found on a regular basis. Most of the content is obviously unauthorized rebroadcasts of copyright material. You'll find streaming episodes of TV series like Babylon 5, Scrubs, The Simpsons, South Park, Big Bang Theory, and more. (One channel's content even includes the CBS logo from the original network broadcast.) In addition to an unordered list of all available streams, there are two categories: Shows and Entertainment.
In order to view any content you must create an account at veetlebox.com. Once you receive the confirmation e-mail you must pair your device using the code on the channel's splash screen. Once your device is paired you can watch all of the available content. Veetlebox currently allows only one Roku per account, but promises the ability to pair additional devices in the future. Note that once you register, there seems to be no way to delete your account.
FEES: Free for one Roku. The ability to pair additional devices is to be offered in the future for $2 per device.
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