Quick Look: Transylvania Television is described as "a retro monster comedy that's really not for kids!" The channel features six comedic episodes of "muppet-like" monsters trying to run a television broadcast station. The cast of characters include Fury Aka-Monster the Party Yeti, LaShock the Vampire Boss, Beatsnick Bathinc the Stations Engineer, Dwayne Frankenstein, and the Demon VonBucket.
Each episode is approximately 20 minutes long and ad-sponsored. The channel starts out as a live stream but using the back arrow on your remote will bring up the on-demand library of videos. In addition to the comedy sketches there are behind the scenes production videos about what it takes to make the show.
An example video can be viewed below.
-- Information is current as of October 18, 2016
Developer's Channel Description: A group of monsters struggle to run a TV station in Transylvania and hilarity ensues. It's puppet comedy-horror for grown ups!
DEVELOPER: Under The Lens Entertainment
FEES: None
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