Quick Look: GABNet is short for the Great American Broadcast Network, which features a live stream as well as on-demand content from the following hosts:
- Alex Bennett's Ramble - A round table discussion about things that matter to him with a "Citizen Panel"
- Revelstoke Jim's Canadian Content - An interactive call in podcast with varying content; Monday- Storytelling, Wednesday- An adventure show, Fridays- Free flowing conversation with listeners via Skype
- Getting Geeky with Miranda Janell - A self proclaimed Geek-Girl speaks her mind about what she is passionate about; Star Wars, Comic Books, Legos, and wants to hear what makes her listeners "fly their Geek Flag"
- The Exchange with Damion Chaplin - A citizen panel where current events are discussed
- Alex Bennett's Life in the Passing Lane - Join host Alex Bennett as he recounts tales from his past
- Michael Snyder's Culture Blast - Reviews of Pop Culture events (movies, television, and music)
There is also a live feed featuring all of the above podcasters, which air Monday - Friday 9:30pm - 1:30am Eastern. A schedule of show times can be found on the GABNet website.
-- Information is current as of August 17, 2015
Developer's Channel Description: Talk like you've never heard it before featuring the "Citizen Panels" group discussion
FEES: None
GABNet Website
GABNet on Facebook
GABNet on YouTube