This channel is now available in the Roku Channel Store. Click here for the channel store version.
Channel Description: Poker Clock, according to the channel's "about" screen will turn your Roku into a fully-functional tournament timer. "You can build a quick turbo game or a tournament that will last for days. Edit blinds levels, breaks and keep control of the average chip stack." PokerClockBeta is a free beta testing channel that is limited to six players and three pre-defined tournaments.
The channel offers a Quick Start option with three predefined tournaments: Fast, medium, and slow. Although the tournaments are predefined, you can fine-tune them by changing the following options:
- Number of starting players (2 to 6 in free version, up to 100 in upgraded version)
- Number of starting chips
- Starting blinds
- Level duration
- Break duration
- Number of levels between breaks
The free version does not allow you to save your customized tournaments, but an upgrade option is offered for $4.99. The developer is soliciting beta testers for the full version. Visit the topic thread for more information on requesting a free upgrade for testing.
FEES: None
Poker Clock on Roku Forums
-- Information is current as of January 21, 2016