RokuGuide Channel Description: NRJ is a private French radio station. In case you're wondering, NRJ is (according to Wikipedia) an acronym for Nouvelle Radio Jeune (New Youth Radio) but is pronounced as énergie in French (or energy in English). The station broadcasts in several countries, but on this Roku channel you will find not only the live NRJ feed but also 139 genre-, artist- and period-specific music streams.
To show the wide range of music available, we'll list just a few: Acoustic Hits, Beyonce's Hits, Classic Rap France, Classic Rap US, Classic Rock, Club Hits, Cover Hits, Deep House, Dubstep, Eurohot 30, Fiesta Latina, Happy Hits, Hits for Running, In Bed, Lounge, Metal, One Direction, Oriental, Party Hits, Portugal, Reggae, Romantic, Soprano, Summer Hits 2016, Taylor Swift, Twerk Hits, US Top 40, Wake Up.
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FEES: None
NJR Website
-- Information is current as of June 15, 2016