Winter is Whimsical is a dynamic wallpaper that changes the background of your Roku menu screens to show a Winter scene of a lake with snow-covered trees in the foreground and the sun setting (or is it rising) behind a city and a suspension bridge over the lake (see screenshot below).
The "dynamic" features of this wallpaper include snow falling across the screen, along with background movements like a spinning ferris wheel. Look closely and you may see a blimp sailing over the city and a UFO beaming a light onto the clock tower. Winter is Whimsical is one of a series of "Roku City" themed dynamic wallpapers with similar activity.
The Winter is Whimsical wallpaper was automatically installed on Roku devices that have not turned the seasonal wallpaper feature off in the theme settings. If you would like a different Winter wallpaper, try Magic Hour: Winter.
To set this wallpaper manually, install the wallpaper as you would any other channel, then go to Settings from your Roku's home screen and select Theme >> Wallpapers >> My Wallpapers >> select the wallpaper.
-- Information is current as of December 28, 2023
CHANNEL STORE DESCRIPTION: Have snow much fun in Roku City! How many wintery surprises will you uncover on your icy adventure?
DEVELOPER: Roku Themes
FEES: None