Quick Look: The Tai Chi Workout channel offers a series of video instruction in various Tai Chi exercises, such as Standing Meditation, Spring Light, and Step Back and Push. Each video is around 5 minutes in length. There are no free videos, no free browsing of video titles, and no preview video - you will need to subscribe to this channel to see what is available. However, we did find the following description from the instructor: "The Tai Chi Workout is designed so that you can experience the benefits of practicing Tai Chi without having to learn a long and complicated form. The exercises are easy to learn and gentle on the body while building skills and attributes that are necessary to explore the depth of Tai Chi Practice... To go through this workout should take between 20 to 40 minutes."
-- Information is current as of May 12, 2016
Developer's Channel Description: The Tai Chi Workout is designed so that you can experience the benefits of practicing Tai Chi without having to learn a long and complicated form. The exercises are easy to learn and gentle on the body while building skills and attributes that are necessary to explore the depth of Tai Chi Practice. This workout is designed so that a new student on their first day will be able to follow along and practice all the exercises. The workout includes exercises that loosen and relax the joints, a standing meditation (Zhan Zhuang) which builds energy and connection in the body, Tai Chi walking exercises, and Tai Chi movement exercises. This is a low impact workout that will help you relax and get rid of stress, become more aware and in control of your body, and benefit circulation.
FEES: Monthly Subscription rate of $5.99
Closed Captioned Enabled: NA
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