Quick Look: Outer Banks TV (OBXTV) provides programming of interest to those living or vacationing in the Outer Banks area of North Carolina. The channel currently offers two dozen episodes of "My Heart Will Always Be In Carolina". The program is promoted as "[s]tories about the people, places and things of the Outer Banks and Northeast North Carolina."
Episodes of My Heart, which are around 20-25 minutes in length, cover topics that include the Intracoastal Waterway, histories of surfing on the Outer Banks and hang gliding at Jockeys Ridge State Park, the Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge, and birding on the Outer Banks.
-- Information is current as of April 19, 2013
Developer's Channel Description: Programs and Videos about Lighthouses, Shipwrecks, Hang Gliding, Surfing, History & Nature from the Outer Banks and Northeast North Carolina
DEVELOPER: Coastal Production Company
FEES: None
OBXTV Website