Quick Look: The myCatapulTVe Roku channel works with the myCatapulTVe Hub, which is an in-home casting device that allows you to stream live TV and DVR recordings to Roku-connected TVs, phones, tablets and computers. Unlike the Tablo, which itself functions as a DVR accessible through Roku and other devices, the myCatapulTVe Hub connects to DVRs on the same network and downloads recordings from those DVRs to your device, and also casts live TV from the cable TV gateway. Although the hub supports operation of the DVR, the only supported functions on Roku are play/pause the program and rewind/fast-forward.
We were not able to test this Roku channel as it seems that the myCatapulTVe Hub is not available through retail sales channels ( and I hope that they would not choose such an awkward name if it were). The device is being offered by Adara Technologies to cable TV providers as a TV Everywhere solution. myCatapulTVe would be purchased by the subscriber with the cable provider's branding.
In technical terms, "Adara’s myCatapulTVe hub is a subscriber-purchased CPE device which is easily self-installed within their home network. The hub enables the subscriber to access 100% of their own linear and DVR content (including broadcast, PPV, SIPV, SDV, etc.) from their STB/gateway on any device via their wireless home network or anywhere in the world via the internet. Subscriber access is simple and easy. A single, initial sign-on with device auto-discovery, followed by securely saved credentials allows zero-sign-on thereafter… helping to create the ultimate customer experience. DVR recordings may be managed remotely via the device but also streamed or securely downloaded (with DRM) to the device to be conveniently enjoyed anywhere in the home or world, while connected or not."
I assume that any cable channels using this device will offer their own Roku channel, but if you happen upon a cable service-provided myCatapulTVe, you may be helped by this Quick Start Guide
-- Information is current as of July 21, 2016
Developer's Channel Description: Watch your DVR recordings anywhere and anytime!
DEVELOPER: Adara Technologies Inc.
FEES: None for the channel, but special equipment is required
myCatapulTVe Website