Football Genius

Quick Look: Football Genius is a multiple choice trivia game that will test your knowledge of football. Each question offers four possible answers. You're given 25 seconds to answer the question, a correct response earns you one point, a wrong answer yields nothing and the correct answer is highlighted in green. A correct response earns you one point, while a wrong answer yields nothing but shows correct answer highlighted in green. Questions range in difficulty from the very simple (Which of these teams is not an actual NFL team? From end to end how long is an actual football field?) to more difficult (Which year was the first NFL team on the west coast?).

Leaving the game and returning later will yield a different set of questions, but only up to a point as there are a limited number of available trivia questions and repeat questions will arise.

-- Information is current as of August 29, 2019

Roku Channel Store Description: Trivia Football Genius is multiple options quiz game for Unlocking knowledge at the speed of thought.

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