CORE carries films, series, and shorts in nine categories that could be described as documentary and educational. These include Expeditions, Global Affairs & Philanthropy, Lifestyle & Culture, and Anthropology & Explorers. Current "Top 10" titles include Chasing Bliss: Sweetwater (2020), a series focused on the never-ending search for happiness, in all its forms, around the world; Book of Knowledge - The Realm Beyond (2022), which travels to Nepal, China, Papua New Guinea and the Buddhist Kingdom of Bhutan, where Chung, a Tibetan Buddhist master explores our divine connection, internal energy and spirit path to liberation at the secret practice, Sky Gate; and Diverse Intelligences (2023), in which scientists and scholars discuss the moral intent of artificial intelligence, behavioral communication among animals, and the human brain as it pertains to the evolution of our cognitive abilities.

A trailer for one of these titles can be seen below.

Chasing Bliss: Sweetwater - Official Trailer from Chasing Bliss on Vimeo.

-- Information is current as of June 22, 2023


At CORE we strive to inspire. Home to 1000+ original titles, experience curated streaming designed to discover more about life and the world around you. Watch explorations from new innovations to ancient knowledge. Worldly expeditions, thought-provoking conversations, real-life narratives, and dynamic practices. CORE features the leaders who reshape the way we think and live. From Nobel laureates, tech founders, wonder junkies, humanitarians to gamers, anthropologists, impact investors and astronauts, notorious rappers and quantum physicists.

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DEVELOPER: Martine Dubin Company

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