The Adventures of Greybobby provides animated videos "to encourage and equip kids to become devoted followers of Christ and to empower parents and caregivers to shepherd them in that process." The following content is currently available on this Roku channel:
- Genesis Devotionals - Verses from Genesis, including Genesis 1: God Created, Genesis 2: God Rested, and Genesis 3: The Garden of Eden.
- Betty's Bible Stories - Titles include Building Your Faith Upon a Rock, The Prodigal Son, and The Days of Creation.
- Music Videos - Currently, only two songs available - The Days of Creation and The Ungrateful 9.
- The Road to Felis City - Five episodes: Creation, Glorify, The Bible, Sacrifice, and Hope.
- Holiday Specials - Advent Devotionals and Greybobby's Thanksgiving Special.
An example video from the The Adventures of Greybobby YouTube channel is shown below.
-- Information is current as of April 26, 2023
CHANNEL STORE DESCRIPTION: The Adventures of GreybobbyWelcome to The Adventures of Greybobby app! This app hosts cartoons, music, lessons, and more content designed to help parents disciple and equip their families to become devoted followers of Christ.
DEVELOPER: Subsplash Inc
FEES: None