911 Gurls' Topics

Quick Look: 911 Gurls' Topics features videos from the YouTube channelGurl.com. The videos answer all of the awkward questions you are not comfortable discussing with your friends, and also include makeup tutorials and DIY projects. Videos are found under the following categories:

  • DIY Holiday Gift Ideas
  • See Gurl Try - Jamie Petitto tries new activities like guitar, baton twirling and cheerleading
  • Do it, Gurl: Season 2 - DIY projects, wall hangings, jewelry, nail art and terrariums
  • DIY Jewelry - Threaded bracelets, necklaces and rings
  • What's Up with Haley - Celebrity news, fashion and food, plus many more topics
  • Do it Gurl - More DIY projects
  • Sexy Times - Answers to you most embarrassing questions

Video titles include "6 Important facts about squirting", "Button Bangle Bracelet" and "American Sign Language"

Below is one of the videos currently available on this channel

-- Information is current as of March 21, 2019

Roku Channel Store Description: Girls have lots of questions! We are worried about the way we look and never stop seeking the finest option. So why not talk about important, disturbing or even freaking out stuff explicitly. Videos of this channel can help you figure out many things, you will know a vast of opinion pieces. All-in-all it will be cool and funny topics that can make you laugh.

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DEVELOPER: Pharoscode

FEES: None