Worzel Gummidge

Quick Look: Worzel Gummidge is an English sitcom for children that aired from 1979-1981, consisting of 31 episodes. The show is about a scarecrow that comes to life and lives in 10 Acre Field. He has many misadventures that usually require the aid of his 2 friends, John and Sue Peters.

All four seasons of the show are available on this channel commercial-free, and the channel promises "tons of bonus content and hundreds of hours of additional content."

-- Information is current as of May 10, 2018

Developer's Channel Description: Welcome to the complete series of the Wonderful World of scarecrow Worzel Gummidge. Join him AD-FREE as he comes to life and has adventures around Ten Acre Field. Plus, enjoys tons of bonus content and hundreds of hours of additional content!

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DEVELOPER: Mission Point Media

FEES: $2.99/month subscription

Worzel Gummidge on IMDB