Quick Look: Word Sensei features several "Word" games like hangman and word scrambles that can be played in two different modes, timed or normal and three different levels of difficulty (easy, medium or hard).
The game prompts you to choose from the above choices, once you have done that you are presented with a game of hangman after one short commercial. You are given a basic clue about the word and a full compliment of letters to choose from. You are allowed 6 errors, the 7th wrong guess will send your avatar into the bucket and you lose one of your three lives.
- Use your arrow keys to pick a letter
- If you are playing the "timed mode" version you are given 3 minutes to decipher the word before you lose
- Each game offers "helpers" which provide hints (letters) to help you solve the word. These are only available once per round and cost you points
- If you feel confident that you will be able to identify the word you can hit the jackpot button before you chose your third correct letter, this will award more points, failing to solve the puzzle will reset the jackpot to the lowest level.
- The time freeze button will pause the game for 30 seconds, it is only available in the "Timed Mode"
- The Joker button needs to be earned which can be done by solving a puzzle in 45 seconds or less. This option will reveal one letter for as many times as it appears in the word and is only available in the "Timed Mode"
- Each round is comprised of 5 games which get more difficult as you progress and the amount of time is reduced. If you complete a round you are presented with a word scramble which offers additional points. you are given 3 minutes to solve the puzzle. Failing to do so does not affect your score.
You are given 3 lives for each game, games can be saved and you will resume from the start of a new word from the last round played.
Below is a screenshot from the Roku channel store
-- Information is current as of April 2, 2020
Roku Channel Store Description: Word game lovers, check out a hangman like you’ve never seen before. Freezes, jokers, reveals and more.
FEES: None