Quick Look: Weather Screensaver displays local weather conditions and a 5-day weather forecast for any location you select while your Roku is idle. Data displayed includes the current actual and "feels like" temperatures, sky cover, and wind speed and direction, along with sunrise and sunset times. The 5-day forecast provides graphics and short text summaries with daily predicted highs and lows and sky conditions (partly cloudy throughout the day, rain in the afternoon, clear throughout the day, etc.).
An HD slideshow of beautiful scenic images is shown behind the weather display. As shown in the screenshots below, the background images are relevant to the current local conditions, so you should see rain pictures when it's raining, snow pictures when it's snowing, etc. The pictures are also often relevant to the time of day, so after sunset, you should see darker, nighttime images, whenever possible.
If you worry that the weather display is static and could result in screen burn-in, it does actually move around your screen in a 40 pixel diameter circle over a two-hour period. If you watch it long enough, you should see it tick over a pixel every few minutes.
Although we prefer free apps on Roku, Weather Screensaver is one of our top picks and well worth the dollar per month that it costs. The display provides a quick glance at current conditions and forecast, while the changing background imagery provides a beautiful ambience while you aren't watching any TV shows.
-- Information is current as of October 20, 2019
Developer's Channel Description: Hyperlocalized 5-day weather forecasts and current conditions combined with 100s of beautiful full HD backgrounds.
FEES: $0.99/month subscription through the Roku channel store