Quick Look:Live From New York! is described in the Roku Channel Store as a collection of "live videos" from various locations in NYC. The videos are not from live webcams as you might expect, but recorded on-location videos that are constantly changing. The one video that played during our review lasted about 5 min and stopped. After reloading the channel the same video played again. The videos are supposed to be "Live From Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx and Sometimes Staten Island," but none of the locations are identified.
I checked back in on this channel 6 hours later and they were still streaming the same video from earlier in the day.
-- Information is current as of August 3, 2016
Developer's Channel Description: This Channel will Show a Live Videos from New York City, and keep you posted of anything happening in NYC, Live From Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx and Sometimes Staten Island
DEVELOPER: RC Productions NY
FEES: One time purchase of $0.99