FreeTube Movies - Search What You Like has a large video library that's a mix of trailers and full movies in the following categories, plus several more:
- Best Selection
- IMDb Top Picks
- Must-Watch Movies
- Heroes Of The World
- Holiday Mood
- Academy Nominations
- Dumb Criminals
- Halloween Nights
- Best Comedies
Current "featured movies" include Triangle, a 2009 sci-fi film about a group of friends who overturn their yacht and are forced to take refuge in a drifting ocean liner, but soon find themselves hunted by an unseen attacker; and Eye See You a one-star 2002 mystery thriller starring Sylvester Stallone as an FBI agent who is recovering from the psychological effects of witnessing a brutal crime and checks into a rehabilitation clinic in the remote wilderness of Wyoming during the dead of winter, only to find himself helping other patients as a serial killer begins killing them one by one.
The FreeTube Movies Roku app also features a search function that lets you search Google for other movies. All of our searches returned YouTube videos, which were mostly trailers for the film that was searched.
-- Information is current as of January 16, 2024
CHANNEL STORE DESCRIPTION: FreeTube Movies, your gateway to a world of free content. Enjoy powerful In-App Search functionality to explore an extensive library of free content without any subscription fees. Experience the freedom to search, discover, and watch AVOD content at your fingertips with FreeTube Movies.
DEVELOPER: FreeTubeMovies
FEES: None