Fireplace Aquarium Channel

Quick Look: Fireplace Aquarium Channel is an ambiance channel that allows you to choose between two options, a roaring/crackling fireplace and a bubbling saltwater aquarium. Both the Fireplace and Aquarium are live action, not still images, giving it a very realistic feel. Each of these options can be further enhanced by adding a different soundtrack (classical music, anytime holiday music or piano music) to the display by pressing the fast forward button on your Roku remote.

-- Information is current as of July 19, 2016

Developer's Channel Description: Its time to warm yourself with a cozy fire with crackling sounds and inspirational music! Or on demand, choose a tropical aquarium scene with comforting bubbling noises and relaxing melodies. Anytime of year is perfect to play the Fireplace Aquarium Channel! Choose Fireplace or Aquarium on demand!

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DEVELOPER: Evonne Mandella

FEES: None