Quick Look: Auto Everything on Roku is a collection of YouTube videos that discuss vehicles of all types, vehicle maintenance, and coverage of auto shows around the world. The channel offers four categories of videos:
- Cars & Trucks - Videos detailing the vehicle, options, potential problems, buyer options
- Auto Parts & Repair - Vehicle maintenance and How To's
- Auto News - Updates from the auto industry
- Auto Shows - Coverage of vehicles from numerous auto shows
Each category has 50 videos sourced from YouTube and other online sources like Road and Track and Road/Show. Videos seem to be updated sporadically. While the Cars & Trucks category has videos from the date of this review, the newest video on Auto Parts & Repair is over six months old.
Below is an example of the videos available on this channel.
-- Information is current as of October 17, 2018
Developer's Channel Description: The automotive industry is fast paced and constantly evolving. Auto Everything brings you all the latest technology, industry trends and advancements daily to keep you informed and educated on your cars, trucks and more.
FEES: None