Quick Look: ASMR Jonie is a collection of Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR) videos from ASMR Jonie YouTube channel. Previously known as "Whisper Latina," Jonie creats "ASMR Role Play, specially Medical themed. Along with Makeup, Hair and Personal Attention videos. Ear Cleaning, Otoscope and Various Medical Examinations are my top favorite to recreate."
Over 100 videos are available in the following categories:
- Beauty and Well-Being ASMR Roleplay
- ASMR Soft Talk Roleplay
- ASMR Massage Roleplay
- ASMR Cranial Nerve Exams
- ASMR Ear Cleaning Roleplay
- Inch by Ince ASMR Roleplay
- ASMR Medical Roleplay
- Other Videos
An example of the videos available on this channel can be seen below.
-- Information is current as of October 4, 2019
Roku Channel Store Description: Hello There! I'm Jonie, welcome to my ASMR channel! I was previously known as "Whisper Latina" I live in Mexico in a town right in the Border With California, so you might notice my accent during my videos. I create videos to help you sleep, relax and have a peaceful moment. That is my main goal!
DEVELOPER: Strathspey Digital
FEES: None