Quick Look: 420TV on Roku features a mix of cannabis-related content consisting of
animated series, company profiles and vintage movies.
The channel starts out as a live stream but using the UP arrow on your remote will bring up the home screen where you can access all of their content including independently produced series and mainstream movies. The TV shows include:
- Trae Tha Truth: Animated Series
- Cannabiz: Profiles cannabis dispensaries
- Super Slackers: Animated Series
- Medical Marijuana Miracles: the benefits of medical marijuana
- In Amsterdam: On the streets of Amsterdam
- The Gateway: A "Space to experience visually arresting imagery"
The movies are primarily a collection of vintage public domain titles that that are primarily mindless "stoner movies" that you would watch just because.
-- Information is current as of May 26, 2020
Roku Store's Channel Description: Targeting both the converted and the curious, 420TV will capture and deliver content relevant to all aspects of the rapidly evolving cannabis lifestyle, as it moves from counterculture to mainstream. Cannabis is now legal in 28 U.S. states, with 52 percent of Americans over 18 admitting they have tried marijuana and 60 percent favoring legalization. As cannabis represents the nation's fastest growing industry, its legal consumer spending is expected to grow to $44 billion in the next three years. The global medical marijuana market will grow from $11.4 billion in 2015 to $55.8 billion in 2025.
FEES: None
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