Roku Games

Roku games offer fun for the solo player and the entire family, with children's games, puzzles, arcade games, classic games, and home versions of TV game shows.

A Tetris-inspired puzzle game
Access several free Roku games from within this channel
Sports trivia game covering cricket, badminton, and soccer
Hit targets with your collection of throwing knives
Gameplay videos from many popular video games
A weekly web-show dedicated to action figure reviews, lists, VS. battles, video games, and History Of's
Gaming videos with an emphasis on Nintendo games like Super Mario Bros and The Legend Of Zelda
A platform game in which you have to survive the different rooms of an abandoned church to solve the mysteries that lie inside
A Roku version of the classic video game "Lode Runner"
Donkey Kong with a different name
Themed 5 reel slots
A very simplistic point-and-shoot game
See how long you can keep your snake alive while eating pellets and dogging other snakes
Slot machine game
A video game modeled after Nintendo's original Mario Bros
Multiple choice trivia games
Keep your ball in a constant state of free fall as you navigate the maze
Test your knowledge about your favorite TV show, movie, baseball team or band
Collect carrots, diamonds, pearl necklaces and more as you journey your way through 100 levels
Move the ball through the maze without touching the walls and beat your best time
