Roku Screensavers

These screensavers will display photos, graphics, or unique designs on your TV while your Roku is idle.

Landscape photos submitted by hundreds of photographers around the world ($)
Screensaver displays pictures of chill scenes for the end of a long day ($)
Screensaver that displays a slideshow of photos of moons and stars ($)
A screensaver that displays images of night skies ($)
Screensaver with configurable categories of images that are adult, edgy and beautiful ($)
Screensaver displaying exciting nightlife photos ($)
A screensaver featuring pictures of serene mornings ($)
Roku screensaver displays pictures of fire and ice ($)
Roku screensaver that displays images of scantily dressed women in seductive poses ($)
Roku screensaver displays images of beer, steak and potatoes ($)
A screensaver featuring beautiful images of nature ($)
A screensaver featuring images of kittens ($)
Screensaver displaying a slideshow of animal drawings inspired by an African safari ($)
A screensaver featuring images from space ($)
A screensaver featuring various depictions of Jesus ($)
A screensaver featuring images of Martin Luther King, Jr. ($)
Screensaver displays images related to the Chinese New Year
Display a slideshow of cute puppy photos while your Roku is idle ($)
Display a slideshow of Valentine's Day images while your Roku is idle ($)
A slideshow of images from Mexico with musical accompaniment
