Quick Look: Pixelated Apollo Gaming is a gaming channel providing gameplay, walk-throughs, tips and tricks for many popular video games such as Call to Arms and Third Age Total War. The videos are categorized as follows:
- Third Age Total War Online Battles - 100 videos
- Mount and Blade(Call to Arms) - 36 video
- Total War: Warhammer Gameplay - 41 videos
- Third Age Custom Scenarios - 67 videos
- Medevil Kingdoms Total War 1212A.D. (TW:Atilla) - 88 videos
- Napoleonic: Total War 3 gameplay - 18 videos
- Total War: Rise of Mordor Gameplay - 9 videos
Below is one of the videos currently available on this channel.
-- Information is current as of July 31, 2019
Roku Channel Store Description: Welcome to the official PixelatedApollo1 channel on Roku! Join me to witness some of the greatest battles throughout history. Not just from our world, but from fantasy worlds like Middle Earth and Elder Scrolls. My name is Pixelated Apollo, and I hope you have your sword sharpened, and your Warhorse rested, because it's time for Battle!!
FEES: None