Michael Rood TV

Quick Look: Michael Rood TV is free, but requires viewers to either sign in or create an account prior to viewing any content. Once you do so you are able to access a variety of discussions and teaching series hosted by Michael Rood, a “Biblical Chronologist." There are currently 10 video series available that feature discussions about the history of the Bible.

-- Information is current as of March 14, 2018

Developer's Channel Description: Michael Rood is an author, historian, teacher, broadcaster, and life-long student of the Bible — a most unique “Biblical Chronologist”. His dig site is the Bible, and his tools are research skills gained from decades of Biblical study and the unique experience of living in Israel, surrounded by authentic-yet-dismissed historic sites that hold archaeological proof of the Bible’s most fantastic stories.

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DEVELOPER: A Rood Awakening International

FEES: None

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