Kids Zone - Videos for kids

Kids Zone - Videos for kids carries hundreds of trailers, shorts, and full-length episodes of Masha and The Bear, a YouTube series with over 45 million subscribers. The show "follows the adventures of a little girl Masha and her friend, The Bear. Their relationship is a metaphor of how a child interacts with the big world and how an adult can aid with this difficult task. Masha is a restless little girl who can hardly stand still due to her endless energy - everything she comes into contact with must be tried on! She's friendly beyond description and treats everyone like she's known them for ages. Her curiosity and creativeness causes funny adventures."

A recent episode of Masha and The Bear is shown below.

-- Information is current as of December 22, 2023

CHANNEL STORE DESCRIPTION: All content belongs to respective owners. This App does not claim any right over them. This apps aims is to provide ad-free content. Magical Adventures Await: Join us on a journey where every video is a magical adventure. From animated tales to learning-focused episodes, we've got it all to captivate and inspire young minds. Giggles Galore: Laughter is the best medicine, and we prescribe it in large doses! Our collection of funny and heartwarming videos will have your kids giggling and grinning from ear to ear.

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DEVELOPER: mikruniche

FEES: None